If you care about animals, then why are you eating all their food?

As more people go vegan, this will mean that there will be more food available for animals to eat, and not less. This is due to the fact that animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of wildlife habitat destruction. Farm animals exist in such large numbers only because humans breed them for slaughter, in numbers proportional to consumer demand, and only a small fraction of the food that an animal eats is converted into food for human consumption. Therefore, growing crops to feed livestock inherently requires far more land and resources than does growing crops consumed directly by humans, to feed the same number of people. Much native wildlife habitat is destroyed to grow crops fed to livestock, and the amount by which this happens depends on the number of people eating meat and other animal products.

Animal agriculture also destroys native wildlife habitat as the result of the runoff from the concentrated animal waste from the farms, and as the result of the greenhouse gas emissions leading to global warming. Animal agriculture emits more green house gasses than do all the cars and trucks on the planet combined. As more people go vegan, more wildlife habitat is saved, and more food is therefore available for the animals.


Follow up questions:

Human beings are a part of the food chain, and eating meat is natural. So then, how can it be wrong?

Should we try to prevent other animals from killing and eating each other?

What about situations where humans need to eat meat to survive?

Why should we behave better towards animals than they do towards each other?

What if humans treat and slaughter the animals humanely?

What do you think about the phrase "survival of the fittest"?

What are factory farms?

Why is eating meat wrong?


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